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        Indonesia as a country where religious practices are strongly supported by the state, the creation of religious tolerance is an important pillar in building religious harmony in the midst of the realities of social life (Kawangung, 2019).This tolerance gives freedom to choose a religion according to one's beliefs and this tolerance is given respect in carrying out religious orders (Ragnarsdóttir et al., 2020).

For this reason, education in building religious tolerance is needed for people in the midst of pluralist diversity in Indonesia (Setiani & Hermawan, 2021). Religious tolerance education is carried out by providing socio-religious education and understanding that does not only focus on religious teachings but needs to prioritize socio-cultural aspects in the community (Firdaus, 2018), so that in the process of education and understanding it is able to achieve prosperity and uphold the values of God and humanity in the midst of a pluralistic Indonesian society (Shaukat & Pell, 2020). Therefore, understanding religious tolerance plays an important role in realizing religious harmony in society (Ratnaningsih et al., 2020), one of which is students.

Students are a representation of the realization of inter-religious harmonization. Existence and existence become hope for society (Orben, 2020). But in fact, Muhammad Hanif in his research mentioned that there is management of public space in one of the public high schools in Purwokerto which is dominated by Islamic religious culture (Hanif, 2016). That fact really is unfortunate when students are faced with a public space that is less neutral in the management of social-religious space in schools. This indicates that an understanding of diversity for students is needed, so as to facilitate understanding of diversity for students.

In the digital age, the author offers game-based learning based on multicultural social peaceful education in the shape of mobile apps, where this model describes a game environment to increase the acquisition of multicultural knowledge and social skills (Greipl et al., 2020). This game activity involves problem-solving and challenging spaces that provide players with a sense of accomplishment (Emerson et al., 2020). Basic usage game as a medium for educating religious tolerance based on research, in Indonesia, a quarter of the total gamers namely at the age of students (Surbakti, 2017). So this approach is suitable for students to build religious tolerance.

Game-based learning offer interactions that allow them to explore social roles, test new ideas, and develop skills through play. As Johnson said in “Everything Bad Is Good for You”: which contains “When I play virtual journey- based games, they encourage me to explore various activities in them (Yuan et al., 2020). This indicates that the game indirectly requires its users to explore various activities in the game. Therefore, being an appropriate method in the context of religious tolerance for adolescents, through games with a virtual journey model, they know what they have to learn is directly related to the environment in which they learn and demonstrate it in a socio-religious context (Liu et al., 2020). Thus, learning is not only relevant but applied and practiced in that context. In this case, the use of games offered as a form of accommodation involves a process in which we must modify our existing world model to accommodate new information.

Based on this statement, the writer realizes that it is important game-based learning based local wisdom values in the shape of mobile apps relating to religious tolerance for students. In this case, the author offers Religious Tolerance (RETO) Game as Media for Religious Tolerance Education for students.


The design of the RETO application is made with a computer that has a minimum processor specification of AMD Quad Core A8-7410 2.5 GHz, x64-based processor, and 4.00 GB of RAM memory. From the side software RETO, application uses Windows 10 Pro 64-bit OS software. Eclipse and Android SDK with Java Programming language. In the programming process, RETO is embedded in a smartphone Android based. Eclipse software as software, media for processes coding, or application development.

The application Programming Interface (API) offered by Google aims to create sound as user input. Google Speech APIs frame work was introduced by Google to recognize voice which then becomes text. The Hidden Markov Model (HMM) algorithm is used to recognize voices made by Google. In other words, a

sound that enters and is received by RETO will process and convert the sound into a text.

Log In dan Log Out can be done by the user using email. The front end (client side) and back end (server-side) is done in order to process and beautify the appearance of RETO, where Atom and CSS are used by the author with the aim of later producing CSS as the result of the previous file, so as to be able to attract students to access the application.

In RETO Application, UML (Unified Modeling Language) is used by the author to design features, elements, and various objects in it. The use of UML in this application provides a reference for writing in the services and features of this application so that the use of UML is used as a standard in processes, writing programming, data components, and database schemas (Ahmad et al., 2019).


Belief in fundamental human rights and in human dignity and the equal rights of all people, practicing religious tolerance, and living together in peace with one another as good neighbors, has been at the heart of the mission of the United Nations since its founding in 1945 (Widodo et al., 2019)

One of the United Nations Missions, namely religious tolerance, is currently being echoed by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion. Because religious tolerance is the most important thing in everyday life. For this reason, education in building religious tolerance is needed for people in the midst of pluralist diversity in Indonesia. Religious tolerance education is carried out by providing socio-religious education and understanding that does not only focus on religious teachings but needs to prioritize socio-cultural aspects in the community so that in the process of education and understanding they are able to achieve prosperity and uphold the values of diversity in the midst of a pluralistic Indonesian society. Therefore, understanding religious tolerance plays an important role in realizing the meaning of diversity in the Society 5.0 era (Ratnaningsih et al., 2020), one of which is students.

Therefore, efforts to build an attitude of religious tolerance in order to build the value of diversity in students can be done of them through the path of based education game namely through the RETO Game. RETO Game intends to provide knowledge and understanding to students regarding religious and cultural tolerance. RETO Game is game-based learning which provides education on religious tolerance with models of virtual journeys featuring an exploration of various regions in Indonesia. The key to the RETO model game is identifying how students are able to be involved and play an active role in building a tolerant society through

achieving social competence in the midst of a diverse society.

RETO Game has features in it that support students in increasing religious tolerance. RETO Game is designed with an Adventure game model (virtual journey), where through this feature, students will be trained to behave and behave tolerantly, where during the playing process students will meet people who have different religions and users need to provide feedback on behavior which then needs to be done. Local Wisdom Value in this case can be seen from the cultures that appear in this RETO adventure game, players will be accompanied by regional music, and meet with regional cultures such as the use of language, traditional houses, traditional clothing, and so on.

Based learning games open up new opportunities to create an education-based environment local wisdom value adaptive and interactive player interactions in real- time with the digital environment through the various features in it. Through RETO Game, users are educated rewarded, and have the opportunity to offer their perspectives in the context of religious tolerance in society in the form virtual journey.

In the process, RETO uses an approach to local wisdom value and based learning game which refers to shamefulness to provide education for students to be involved in building religious tolerance in society. One of the strengths of RETO is that there are game-based activities and cultural introductions during adventures to internally motivate students by introducing various 'fun' elements to understand religious and cultural tolerance among students. Next, the design pattern game RETO can be used to motivate ongoing behavior and engagement to get to know the culture in Indonesia. Thus, RETO can be used to provide education to students by providing fun experiences and encouraging accelerated competence and emotional and cognitive involvement in understanding religious tolerance.

Building the meaning of Student Diversity in the Era of Society 5.0 is very much needed and various problems of religious tolerance that are so complex should be solved with qualified educational methods. The RETO application is an innovative solution that can provide benefits in terms of convenience, usability aspects, and complete features to support education for students. RETO is the author of innovating in the application of educational methods as a form of implementing digitalization and accelerating education in the digital era in building religious tolerance for students.

The RETO application provides benefits in various aspects, when viewed from the aspect of convenience, RETO is available in various forms android. Fatria and Christantyawati said that the trend of using Android among the public is very high (Fatria & Christantyawati, 2018). This condition is a potential for RETO apps on a wider range of student targets. When viewed from the aspect of usability, RETO has many benefits for students namely game This is in accordance with the needs of students, flexibility, convenience, cost-effectiveness, ease of access, and increasing religious tolerance education. Such are the ideal conditions that will be obtained if RETO is implemented to support religious tolerance education for students. On the other hand, there are several aspects that need to be considered in the implementation of RETO, namely eye intensity and health for students. Therefore, education and cooperation between elements of the Government need to be carried out so that tolerant students are created in order to build the meaning of diversity through RETO.

Writer: Adhitya Budi Ridwan Prasetyo Nugroho

From  : UIN K.H. Prof. Saifudin Zuhri Purwokerto

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